Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Day I Gave Up

All we think we have to do, why it all feels like a game
But you know, nothing ever really is the same
As it is when it's only in your own head
You can think about the way it was
Or the way you'd hoped it would be
Or think about what you could've said,
Maybe you could've saved me.
I remember the cold in your eyes
The day your heart turned to stone.
The day mine broke, no longer beating on its own.
I think it must still beat, because I'm at least half alive
But maybe I'm just half dead; broken down and alone..
Living on borrowed time that nobody wants back
You can think about those you once knew stepping over and around to be on their way
Maybe... no one cared enough to talk to you
Or maybe it's just because no one knew what to say
I'd hoped for hope but lost it all
when you turned your back and I watched my empire fall,
slipping through the hands of this man who never was strong enough to hold on
To those tender heartstrings that burned hot and white
I thought I saw the flame burning bright
But all I saw was the flare before the dying light
Burned its image in my eyes
The last thing I'll ever see
Now too blind to see past and say goodbyes
To all those I loved and who always loved me.

Dedicated to Brandon - You are loved and missed greatly. May you rest in peace.

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